Snowy Monaro Valuers

Snowy Monaro Valuers provide a high quality valuation service to the Snowy Monaro Region. The property market in the Snowy Monaro is unlike any other and being a locally owned and operated company, Snowy Monaro Valuers has in-depth local knowledge of the nuances of the region’s property market. We pride ourselves on providing a confidential, friendly and professional service that is both efficient and competitively priced, and which delivers accurate valuation reports that you can rely on.

In May 2023 Snowy Monaro Valuers were honoured to be awarded winner of the ‘Outstanding Start-Up’ category in the Snowy Monaro Business Awards, an independently judged biennial competition hosted by Snowy Monaro Regional Council. We look forward to continuing to provide an award-winning service to the Snowy Monaro Region for many years to come.

Our Valuers

Bella Grant

I moved to Cooma in 2014 intending to stay for 2-3 years. Fast forward 9 years and I am still here having fallen in love with the Monaro and the wonderful Cooma community. My two children are Monaro born and bred and do crazy things like wearing thongs in the middle of winter!

I am an API certified practising valuer and have been working in property valuation in the region since 2018, when I was fortunate enough to be able to turn what was a very nerdy hobby, into a career. Regional valuation work exposes valuers to a broad range of property types and valuation requirements and in this time I have gained considerable experience across all types of property valuation.