Do I Need To Clean My House?

This is the most common question valuers get asked and the good news is no - you don’t! So long as all areas of the house are accessible, valuers are experts in looking past the mess to the actual structure and bones of the house.

How Much Will It Cost?

The cost of a valuation varies based on the size of the property, the type of property and the complexity of the valuation which is why we quote on a case by case basis so please feel free to give us a call and we can have a chat about your particular property before a formal written quote is provided.

What Does It Involve?

To perform a valuation we have to physically inspect the property. The inspection can take between half an hour up to 2-3 hours depending on the size of your property. During the inspection all infrastructure will be measured and detailed notes taken regarding the property and any buildings construction, condition and fittings and fixtures. Both internal and external photographs will need to be taken.

What Don’t We Value?

We don’t value livestock, plant and equipment and businesses (we value the real estate only).

How Is a Valuation Different From a Real Estate Appraisal?

Valuers who undertake property valuations are accredited with the Australian Property Institute to conduct property valuations; as a result the valuation report is a legal document that can be used in Courts Australia-wide or submitted to government departments such as Revenue NSW.